“‘What is truth?’, said Jesting Pilate and would not stay for an answer.” Francis Bacon’s enduring comment on the frustrated Roman functionary, adjudicating the quar
Gambia’s truth commission bill, to be debated on 13 December 13 2017, is an important opportunity to shed light on human rights violations committed during the rule of former President Yahya Jammeh, Human Rights Watch says.
Thousands of Quakers across Britain are marking the eleventh annual Quaker Week to invite people to discover the faith that shapes their way of life. World Quaker Day is also on Sunday 1 October.
Amid nations' increasing uncertainty and insecurity, Quakers in Britain say that inequality has become vividly apparent. More than a thousand Quakers meeting for their annual gathering, said, "We are distressed by the trashing of our planet, and angry at the greed, ruthlessness, lies and violence which blight the lives of so many."
As World Council of Churches staff gathered yesterday for four days of planning, they reflected on their work in the world’s many modern contexts and envisioned their role in the future.
As a direct result of Britain's decision to leave the EU, an internationally acclaimed orchestra is leaving Britain due to uncertainty as to the residency rights of its foreign play