The Church of Scotland has joined leading charities, faith groups and trade unions in urging Scottish MPs to uphold the Lords amendments to the Welfare Reform Bill.
Baptist, Methodist and URC leaders have called for government pressure on the world’s rich countries to reach a binding agreement at next week’s climate change conference in Copenhagen.
Senior Baptist, Methodist, United Reformed Church and Salvation Army representatives will attend the Liberal Democrat, Labour and Conservative party conferences to discuss their shared concerns.
A Christian nurse in Scotland, Magdaline Makola, who spent ten days tied up and locked away the boot of a car seven months ago, says she has forgiven her assailant and prays for him regularly.
Destructive division and disunity among Christians, not least evangelicals, is not merely a 'church matter', says David Coffey. It is a counter-witness which contributes to terrible division and sometimes violence in the world.
Three British Churches have expressed hope about concrete disarmament measures following the the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Preparatory Committee meeting in New York. But they want the UK to scrap its Trident weapons.
Baptist, Methodist and United Reformed Church chiefs want the G20 heads of government, meeting in London next week, to move boldly on the current economic crisis and action on global warming.
The Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church have cautiously welcomed news of the power-sharing deal reached between the Zanu-PF and MDC political parties in Zimbabwe. But they have expressed concern about the practical realities.