Occasionally, amongst all the information we read, something leaps out at us and seems especially meaningful. It can be a whole article, or just a phrase or a sentence.
BBC Radio 4's 'Beyond Belief' series will look at the significance of the biblical story of Moses and Exodus for Jews, Christians and Muslims in a programme to be broadcast at 4.30pm on Monday 5 January 2015, featuring Ekklesia associate Keith Hebden among others.
The arrival of Ann Pettifor's latest book, 'Just Money: How society can break the despotic power of finance' is an important publishing moment, says Ekklesia co-director Simon Barrow. It unmasks the false ideologies of austerity and neoliberalism.
BBC Newsnight finally offered a different perspective on the Catholic Church on the eve of the conclave to choose the next pope (11 March 2013), profiling a remarkable and inspirational Mexican bishop.
It is widely assumed that the next pope, whoever it is, will be of a highly conservative disposition, because both Benedict XVI and John Paul II ensured that the College of Cardinals that now exists was shaped firmly in that direction.
Sometimes, as Pascale Palmer says in her moving blog article (http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/node/14510), being caught in large chunks of the 24/7 media maelstrom for your professional life can be an enerv
Catholic Bishop Erwin Kräutler has accepted the Right Livelihood Award, known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize”, for his work defending the rights of Brazilian tribes.