Events are taking place around the British and Irish isles to mark Holocaust Memorial Day on Tuesday 27 January 2015. The theme for this year is 'Keep the memory alive'.
Methodist Youth President Hayley Moss will visit a former Nazi extermination camp this week, representing the British Youth Council on a trip to Auschwitz.
When it comes to evil, says Alison Jasper, we have a tendency to mystify it - that is reproduce unchallenging representations of it, from the monster in the movie with unclean appetites for human flesh and blood, right through to the 'monstrous perverts' of the tabloid press. Much more careful analysis and understanding is required to discover what lies behind the routine (but often imprecise) label 'evil'.
On May 31 2011, 16 years after his indictment by the International Criminal Tribunal of the former Yugoslavia for war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity, former General Ratko Mladic was extradited to stand trial at the International Court of Justice in the Hague.
The issue of book burning raised recently by a small church in Florida with its threats against the Qur'an touches sensitivities which are deeply felt by both religious and secular apprehensions, says Professor Chaiwat Satha-Anand. Unless we have the emotional and intellectual intelligence to understand what is at stake in this, we risk further fuelling deadly conflicts.
Pope Benedict has been accused of a 'terrible libel' by suggesting, at the beginning of his UK visit, that Nazism can be considered akin to 'aggressive atheism'.
A British Quaker who worked against Nazism in the 1930s has been honoured by the UK government, undermining the common perception that Quaker pacifists failed to stand up to tyranny.
British Quakers will join others in marking the seventieth anniversary of the first train carrying Jewish children away from Nazi persecution to leave Berlin on 1 December 2008. They played a significant role in this evacuation.
Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams and Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks joined representatives from different religious communities at the Holocaust Educational Trust’s ‘Lessons from Auschwitz Project’ this week.
As Labour and the Scottish Nationalists battle for control of Holyrood on 3 May, an extreme political party claiming to speak on behalf of Christians is comparing equalities legislation with Nazi anti-Semitism.