

  • January 25, 2012

    the most appropriate usage of the term ‘religious conversion’ seems to be – at best – as a descriptor of certain historical attempts to pursue a particular strategy of Christianisation, says Dr Michael Marten. In this form it is best put behind us, but it raises important questions about the contested nature of Christianity and its mission(s).

  • September 18, 2011

    Among the most profound effects of the 11 September terror attacks in the US were the spiritual changes undergone by some people affected.

  • January 28, 2011

    Churches have welcomed an unprecedented step by the Supreme Court of India to withdraw remarks on religious conversions in a recent court case.

  • December 24, 2007

    The decision by Tony Blair, joint architect of the invasion of Iraq, to be received into the Roman Catholic Church has excited comment across the world in the run up to Christmas, which focuses on the birth of Christ, the prince of peace.

  • September 25, 2007

    Anil Bhanot, the general secretary of the Hindu Council UK (HCUK), has written to the main leaders of all faiths in Britain to express his growing concern at divisive elements between religions, urging them to root out and stand against intolerance and religious dogma.

  • August 28, 2007

    The signing of a declaration between a group representing Muslims and a leading Christian body in Norway, which supports the mutual right to convert between faiths without harassment, is the first pact of its type in the world, the two bodies have announced.

  • August 6, 2007

    With Evangelical and Pentecostal representatives joining an 8-12 August consultation in Toulouse, the joint Vatican-WCC study process on religious conversion has moved one step closer to its goal of a common code of conduct.

  • July 26, 2007

    US-based Jewish groups have praised a Vatican declaration that it will consider the elimination of a prayer of conversion that exists in the Catholic Church's traditional Latin Mass, and that has caused much offence.