Key decision-making meetings of the United Reformed Church and the Methodist Church have both supported Hannah Brock Womack, a Quaker who was prevented from being the Fourth President of Churches Together in England
Church World Service wants President Obama to increase global assistance for hungry and poor people and lead the way to “fair and generous” immigration reform.
The new PRRI report details how Catholic and unaffiliated Americans are responding to US presidential debates over issues like taxes and social programmes.
Former US President Jimmy Carter, who left the 15 million strong Southern Baptist denomination because of its exclusivism, has enthusiastically backed a three day convention seeking reconciliation among the wider US Baptist community.
Peace and justice advocate Bishop Munib A. Younan of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land has met with former US President Jimmy Carter to discuss initiatives relating to the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Catholic bishops in the Philippines have renewed their attacks on corruption following reports that staff of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, who now faces a new impeachment bid, have bribed congress representatives, governors and mayors.
A leader of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia says a move by a human rights group to bring former president Sam Nujoma before the International Criminal Court in The Hague might result in public violence or even civil war.