CND has criticised increased government expendidture on nuclear weapons and called for submarines to be recalled from service in the light of new safety issues.
What worries many powers today are Iranian encroaching attempts to enrich high-grade uranium. Has the deal that has just been done alleviated those fears, or merely been a piece of window dressing? Regional commentator and Ekklesia associate Dr Harry Hagopian examines the complexities, political dynamics and regional (global, indeed) implications of the Iran nuclear deal.
As Ekklesia reported this week, Korean church and peace activists in Busan are taking part in a 40 day fasting and prayer vigil against nuclear weapons from 30 September to 8 November 2013, coinciding at the end with the World Council of Churches Assembly there – and drawing attention to the consolidated action of churches against weapons of mass destruction (WMDs).
Six national Christian organisations have said that nonviolent direct action to disrupt the London arms fair would be a moral response to a sinful trade.