A Scottish Christian has told a court that she will go to jail rather than accept that she has done anything wrong in taking direct action against nuclear weapons.
Ask anyone if they can imagine a world without nuclear weapons, and as polls indicate, most will say they can, points out Jonathan Frerichs, World Council of Churches' programme executive for peace building and disarmament. This is true even in countries that possess nuclear weapons according to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons or ICAN, a new civil society initiative dedicated to the hope of a nuclear free world.
The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament is preparing to mark the 30th anniversary of the arrival of the first activists at the Greenham Common US Air Force base.
In the years since Hiroshima and Nagasaki there has been no more eloquent response to our nuclear predicament than Dale Aukerman’s terrifying Darkening Valley: A biblical perspective on nuclear weapons (Seabury Press, 1981).