Statistics show 71,000 families have lost entitlement to child allowances in the first year of the ‘two-child policy’.
Report says more can be done to help children cope with the pressures of frequent moves and parental deployment.
Four staff members lost their lives in a road traffic accident in Cambodia, with a further four seriously injured and receiving treatment in hospital.
Save the Children says the way childcare support is paid under Universal Credit is unfair to lower paid families.
Amnesty International has responded to news that President Trump signed an executive order on 20 June 2018, mandating for children to stay with their parents in detention while their asylum claims are processed.
One in four men who became fathers in the last year didn’t qualify for paternity pay, according to new TUC analysis.
Age UK says ‘care deserts’ are now apparent in some localities.
Oxfam has called for urgent action to prevent millions of people being hit by famine in South Sudan.
The Government has issued its quarterly immigration statistics up to the end of March 2018.
Campaigners say the Home Secretary should change the rules so that more refugee families can be reunited in safety.
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The College of Policing has provided training for at least 12 countries that are listed as 'human rights priority countries' by the Foreign and...
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