Christian Aid has issued a statement calling for an end to impunity on both sides in the Israel- Palestine conflict through a framework guided by international law and justice.
This is the theme of a discussion meeting taking place at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church tonight (7pm, Tuesday 3rd June 23014), in a two-part series co-sponsored by Ekklesia.
In an inaugural parliamentary lecture on 9 May to launch Christian Aid Week, Dr Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, highlighted the role of inequality in provoking violence
Pope Francis has called for an end to the fighting in Syria, and for moves towards diplomatic and political rather than military solutions in the region.
As Ekklesia has reported recently, FARC and the government are moving ahead with peace talks in Colombia. But many questions remain about the current process, and as this Christian Peacemaker Teams briefing indicates, what lies behind it is a decidedly mixed history. Can the politics of hope overcome a legacy of oppression and despair?
It is not long ago that we marked the two-year anniversary of the Syrian uprisings. What started in Dara’a (in southern Syria alongside the Jordanian border) and later country-wide as a series of peaceful and reform-oriented demonstrations was met with uncompromising firepower. Regional analyst Dr Harry Hagopian assesses what has been happening and where the balance of forces now lies in a damaging, dangerous and heartbreaking conflict.
The latest Middle East Analysis podcast looks at the desperate situation faced by more than two million refugees living, displaced, inside and outside Syria as a result of the bloody, two-year conflict in the country.