Nearly ten years after the UN called for a major clean-up of areas of the Niger Delta, decontamination work has begun on only 11 per cent of planned sites while vast areas remain heavily contaminated, according to a new investigation by four NGOs.
A new report says different areas of England will be affected by the virus in a unique way, which means the impact on health, jobs and families will evolve differently within each area
Nearly nine in 10 people now believe the national government has a ‘great deal’ or ‘fair amount’ of responsibility for ensuring people generally stay healthy,
A series of two e-conferences have brought together some 25 participants to reflect on the socio-economic-ecological impacts of the COVID-19 crisis and how it offers the world an opportunity to rethink and reshape financial and economic systems so that these give priority to ensuring and investing in the health and well-being of communities and the planet.
Ten years since the publication of The Marmot Review, life expectancy has failed to increase across the country for the first time in more than 100 years and for the poorest 10 per cent of women it has actually declined.
Air pollution from burning fossil fuels contributes to an estimated 4.5 million deaths each year worldwide and estimated economic losses of US$2.9 trillion, or approximately 3.3 per cent of global GDP, says new research.