Kay Warren, Executive Director of the HIV initiative at Saddleback Church, California, USA, is adding her support to a Tearfund programme raising the awareness of HIV-AIDS with UK churches. She says the church has a key role to play.
The health of children should be a bipartisan concern, says the US United Church of Christ's general minister and president, calling politicians to override of a presidential veto against an expansion of a crucial children's health insurance programme.
Anti-AIDS activists, including those working with church-backed groups, have expressed amazement at outrage about claims made by the head of the Catholic Church in Mozambique that some European-made condoms are infected with HIV deliberately.
Churches are stepping in to a 'national health care system cracked and breaking' to care for many of the 47 million Americans who have no health insurance.
Senior Asian Christian leaders ae backing moves by Thailand to enforce the compulsory licensing of patented AIDS drugs in order to lower their cost by allowing the production or purchase of generic versions.
In communities with high religious observance spiritual beliefs can play a positive role in deeloping strategies to combat HIV/AIDS, claims a UNICEF-backed study in Guyana.
As tension and violence continues to escalate in Gaza, Caritas Jerusalem, the Catholic aid agency, continues to be alarmed at the ongoing deterioration of the health situation in the Palestinian Territories - and involved in practical work to redress the situation.