Much church self-promotion misses the point, says Jonathan Bartley. the church to which church-leavers return must be different from the one they left. In other words, the solution is moving forward, not going back.
Accord, a new coalition promoting inclusive education and seeking the reform of faith schools policy, has expressed reservations over the opening of the Krishna-Avanti School in Edgware, the first publicly-funded Hindu school in Britain.
Atheists are often criticising the ethics of religious belief, says Giles Fraser. But do they base their own moral practice too much on what they are against?
The British Humanist Association (BHA) has said that the government should close the discrimination loopholes for religious organisations involved in public service provision, and should ensure that all services are fully inclusive.
Ekklesia's friends and associates are a varied bunch - Anabaptist, Catholic, Evangelical, liberal, Protestant, radical and more. Here Theo Hobson tells it like it is for him.
The annual Channel 4 Political Awards offer an entertaining entree to the world of parliamentary politics, says Simon Barrow. But an award to a controversial lobby group raises questions about how politics is conducted - not least by Christians.
Church leaders and journalists have little idea of the pressures that each other face, according to German Lutheran Bishop Margot Kässmann, who has called for a new understanding.
Despite huge state-sponsored protests in Serbia, the rulers of the newly independent Kosovo say that their aim is social harmony, democracy and a plural secular settlement in the region.