

  • September 28, 2007

    The key role of a long spiritual heritage of disciplined and creative non-violence should not be ignored as a factor in current attempts to overthrow brutal dictatorship in Burma, says Gene Stoltzfus, a founder of Christian Peacemaker Teams.

  • September 25, 2007

    One of the more intriguing aspects of Gordon Brown's first Labour party conference speech as serving prime minister was his decision to use consciously biblical language as part of his argument against those employing religious rhetoric to oppose his family policy.

  • September 25, 2007

    One of the more intriguing aspects of Gordon Brown's first Labour party conference speech as serving prime minister was his decision to use consciously biblical language

  • September 13, 2007
  • September 13, 2007

    Protests from secular and teaching groups have met an announcement by the government that many more faith-based schools are to be brought into the state-funded sector with a pledge to remove "unnecessary barriers" to religious groups.

  • September 7, 2007

    The BBC is launching a new belief and ethics TV programme - and Ekklesia is on board from the outset.

  • September 7, 2007

    The BBC is launching a new major TV programme called The Big Questions this weekend. Its aim is to move the discussion of diverse beliefs and ethics out of a narrow 'religion' bracket, and to respond creatively to the debates taking place in modern Britain.

  • September 2, 2007

    Jesus forgave those who spoke against him, says Johan Maurer. But the churches find it difficult to follow in his footsteps, and instead seek restitution when they are offended. We need a more Christian way of responding.

  • September 2, 2007

    The UK-based international development agency Christian Aid intends to double the number of volunteer teachers it recruits over the next two years to help share stories about the work of its 700 partner organisations in 50 developing countries.

  • August 15, 2007

    India gained independence through nonviolence, but partition involved much brutality, says Savi Hensman. Independence means embracing peace and justice in spite of intolerant ideologies, both religious and secular.