The 21 billionaires in the Middle East and North Africa saw their wealth increase by nearly $10 billion since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, while 45 million more people in the region could be pushed to poverty as a result of the pandemic, a new Oxfam report has revealed.
A plane carrying 20 tonnes of World Health Organisation health supplies has landed in Beirut, Lebanon, to support the treatment of patients injured by the massive blast that occurred in the city on 4 August 2020.
A human rights approach to finance is crucial to address the legitimate demands that Lebanese people have expressed in the streets, says a UN Independent Expert on foreign debt and human rights.
Governments across the Middle East and North Africa crushed protests with ruthless force during 2019, said Amnesty International as it published its annual human rights report on the region.
Personnel from the Lebanese Armed Forces have partially demolished over 350 refugees’ homes in four tented settlement in Akkar, in northern Lebanon, using sledgehammers.
Syrian refugee families living in Arsal, Lebanon, have been tearing down their homes following an order requiring them to demolish any concrete walls over one metre high.
The Higher Defence council, a military body, has declared that all 'semi-permanent structures' built by Syrian refugees using materials other than timber and plastic sheeting in informal camps must be deconstructed.
Hassan Toufic Dika’s death occurred despite numerous interventions by a variety of UN entities, including the UN Human Rights Office, with the Lebanese authorities after he was allegedly tortured in prison following his arrest in November 2018.