The Home Office idea of withdrawing benefits from claimants with illegal drug or alcohol problems who do not turn up for treatment might seem at first glance reasonable, says Savi Hensman. But despite its popular appeal, in the end the result will be disastrous.
Government drug policy descended further into farce over the Bank Holiday, as a seventh expert resigned from a key advisory group citing "media and political pressure".
The prohibition on open debate about drugs policy in Britain and globally has not yet disappeared, says Mick Moore. But it must end. We need informed, expert opinion and a move from the 'prohibition' versus 'legalisation' stand-off towards humane control and regulation.
A sixth senior drugs adviser has resigned from the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs over the government's persistent refusal to listen to experts properly when formulating policy.
The British government today faces more embarrassment over its treatment of scientific evidence on policy over the misuse of drugs, as three more top advisers resigned last night, bringing the total to five.