The head of the World Council of Churches, the Rev Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, has stressed peacemaking and action for justice as key fruits of the Christian gospel.
The head of the WCC says commitment to peace and justice needs to be at the centre of the Christian churches' search for unity if they are to carry conviction.
The International Ecumenical Peace Convocation in Jamaica symbolises the emergence of a remarkable consensus among Christian churches on issues of war, peace and justice, says Stephen Brown. Yet the task facing the ecumenical movement in the 21st century is now to work for a consensus on justice and peace that transcends cultural and religious boundaries.
A workshop has been used in Cuba and other countries to get children involved in active peacemaking, reports Sarah Kim. Working in tandem with the United Nations, the Global Network of Religions for Children uses a curriculum that focuses on four ethical values: respect, empathy, reconciliation and responsibility.
Security does not land in a helicopter; it grows from the ground up - that's what Iraqis told a professor of peace-building at Eastern Mennonite University in the USA. Different experiences and perceptions of what it is to be secure or seek security were among the insights shared by contributors to a forum at the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation in Kingston, Jamaica, in May 2011.
Two senior church leaders from very different Christian traditions have affirmed the common calling of Christians to seek peace and to share it with others.