HMP Spring Hill, an open prison in Buckinghamshire, had identified an increase in absconds by indeterminate-sentenced prisoners, according to an HM Inspectorate of Prisons report.
A new report finds that the closure of Holloway prison in 2016 caused significant distress and anxiety among prisoners, and led to many women being imprisoned further away from home, hindering visits from family and children.
Legal aid is to be be reinstated for three key areas of prison law, after the cuts were successfully challenged in court by the Howard League for Penal Reform and the Prisoners’ Advice Service.
The Prison Reform Trust has secured a reduction in the cost of transferring money to people in privately run prisons, a service which is free in public sector prisons.
The Chief Inspector of Prisons has questioned whether HMP Lindholme in South Yorkshire is a suitable place to hold high numbers of prisoners with organised crime connections.
Inadequate investigations of alleged discrimination in jails risk undermining prisoners’ confidence in the complaints process, the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman has warned.
The Chief Inspector of Prisons has welcomed a new protocol allowing him to publicly demand urgent action by the Secretary of State for Justice to improve jails with significant problems.
Enabling people in prison to take responsibility for day to day life encourages a greater sense of autonomy and self-respect and contributes to better decision making by prison managers, according to a new report from the Prison Reform Trust.
Dangerously low staffing levels, a poorly-defined job description, insufficient training and a perceived lack of decision-making power have left prison officers feeling ignored, ineffective and unable to achieve their aims.
A film and a report by the University of Cardiff show the impact of a scheme to make it easier for women prisoners to maintain contact with their children.