Gordon Brown has proposed that Remembrance Sunday might be developed into a patriotic national day to celebrate British history, achievements and culture. Ekklesia has suggested that Martin Luther King’s ‘World House’ vision would be a better starting point.
An annual festival promoting issues around social justice has this year chosen to support CrossReach, which is the operating name for the Church of Scotland's Social Care Council which is celebrating its 150th anniversary throughout 2019.
The UK Government is failing to act on fundamental gaps with its company register, leaving UK companies as a vehicle of choice for money launderers, the corrupt and other criminals, says Global Witness.
The Electoral Reform Society have challenged plans in the Conservative manifesto to introduce voter ID across the UK as "overbearing and counterproductive".
A panel of religious leaders, policymakers and journalists met on 20 April 2016 at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva to discuss questions including the idea of a 'European identity' and the contributions made by faith communities and secularism.
Observing International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the World Council of Churches has spoken of the power of its member churches in their collective work to overcome racism, a work that brings hope in spite of today’s serious challenges worldwide.
As international tensions affect relations between communities at home, an arts programme in Shoreditch is seeking to bring people from different backgrounds together.
A one day conference is taking place on Wednesday 28 March 2012 in Kingston, west London, from 9am to 5.30pm. Some 80 people, including academics and researchers, are participating.
Economic pressure on tertiary education needs to be addressed with proper critical thinking rather than simply complied with or ignored, professors say.