A Yemeni man whose relatives were killed in a US drone strike has asked the Supreme Court to exercise its powers of oversight over President Trump’s use of lethal force.
Last year a Christian Aid report showed that Miami tops the list of most vulnerable cities to climate change induced coastal flooding. Hurricane Irma has shown President Trump’s reckless attitude to climate change to be folly, says the organisation.
The world is navigating away from fossil fuels and sailing towards a clean, sustainable energy future, despite Donald Trump’s attempts to sabotage global efforts to tackle climate change, said Christian Aid at the close of the G20 summit.
As the big economies gather in Hamburg for the first G20 meeting since Donald Trump announced his withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, Christian Aid has called on leaders to show the US President that he has relegated himself to the side-lines of climate change negotiations.
A senior government minister in the House of Lords has refused to condemn President Trump for his views on torture. The comments directly contradict a statement by a Foreign Office minister that the UK opposes torture in all forms.
President Trump has today definitively buried the Senate Select Committee's report on America's use of torture, placing it effectively beyond the reach of US courts.
The ACT Alliance, the Lutheran World Federation and the World Council of Churches, have called for a prioritisation of climate justice as Donald Trump issued an executive order withdrawing the US from the Paris Climate Agreement. They express deep dismay at this development, which goes against global commitments to address climate change.