In recent days devolution has once again become a contentious issue, as Brexiteer politicians in London, without any apparent sense of irony, proclaimed the benefits of being part of a politi
The Financial Conduct Authority is concerned that home and motor insurance markets are not working well for consumers and is setting out proposed remedies to address this.
As the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic and people are searching for clear facts and answers to questions, that could help save countless lives, “a dangerous epidemic of misinformation” is also spreading.
Countries in which elections and political party financing are open to undue influence from vested interests are less able to combat corruption, says Transparency International.
Dr Jürgen Moltmann reflected on the theme of 'the spirit of truth' in a post-truth era at the opening of his public lecture at the headquarters of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva.
The availability of an effective vaccine and treatments do not negate the importance of building trust and understanding in communities affected by the Ebola outbreak, warns the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
The new House of Lords Committee on Democracy and Digital Technologies will this week open its inquiry by taking evidence from Baroness O’Neil, a leading expert on ethics and the role of trust and accountability in politics and the media.