
42 day detention without trial is wrong

By Simon Barrow
June 11, 2008

Ekklesia's comment section is down so this is our response to the crucial parliamentary vote on 42 day detention without trial.

The religion and society think-tank Ekklesia has joined the huge body of opinion, which includes church, secular and Muslim organisations, opposing the UK government's proposal to extend the 28 day detention without trial period for terror suspects to 42 days.

Simon Barrow, Ekklesia co-director, said today: "The case against lengthy detention without trial, on both civil rights and security grounds, is very strong indeed. The way to combat violent extremism is not through clamping down on basic legal and human rights."

He added: "The government will bring shame on itself if it 'wins' this vote. People of all faiths and none are united in wanting to see fairness as the founadtion of a just and free society. The 42 day plan compromises that badly."

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